[X4U] sharing itunes library between 2 users in the same computer

alexandre mac.k at a2k.ch
Mon Apr 25 14:57:53 PDT 2005

maybe i forgot to mention this, but my friend would like to sync songs 
to his ipod, not only listen to the songs, so the "share my music" 
wouldn't work, or?

> On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Samantha Cornell wrote:
>>> hi
>>> i'd like to share the itunes library between 2 users on the same
>>> computer. how can i do that? all the solutions i've come across seem
>>> complicated…
>> You can do this right in iTunes.
>> iTunes -> Preferences -> Sharing->share my music (and look for shared)
>> If you are both logged on, then you will be able to see each other's
>> libraries (or, the one that you use)
> This is only a half solution, (unless this has been changed in a
> more recent version iTunes than I have tried it) in that you cannot 
> assign
> ratings to the shared music, and it doesn't keep track of play count,
> date, etc. Plus, you can't add shared songs to your iPod. So, for
> listening on your computer, it would work (as long as both users are
> logged in).

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