[X4U] sharing itunes library between 2 users in the same computer

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Wed Apr 27 02:35:29 PDT 2005

On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, alexandre wrote:

> hi
> maybe i forgot to mention this, but my friend would like to sync songs
> to his ipod, not only listen to the songs, so the "share my music"
> wouldn't work, or?

One way is to share the music files only and have each user have their own
iTunes library. Basically, one person needs to make sure that 'keep
organized' isn't checked, and they both need to point to the same files,
and if the files are in a user's directory, then make sure the permissions
are set for read access on all files for other users.

It isn't hard to do, except for keeping the library in sync. If one person
adds music to his library, the 2nd person won#t see it unless the files
are manually added (not imported!). Also, you can't have common playlists
this way, either.

Thats the most basic, and it will work. There are probably other ways to
share more than just the files. But I am unfamiliar with them.

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