Hello, My reception of email from yahoo mailing lists keeps on getting interrupted due to my institutions war on IM and chat in the workplace. I have one mailing list related to programming and one on 3-D modeling. I will be forced to switch group membership to my aol account. Is there a way to get safari or netscape or Eudora to retrieve email from AOL? I actually prefer eudora and know the filter system. I prefer not to use Apple's mail client but all solutions may be acceptable. Perhaps, all I need is a way of filtering AOL email into separate mailboxes and batch saving. The problem is that AOL saves in a proprietary format. Annoying but not fatal. Previously, I have just received mostly the standard AOL spam and I just trash the vast majority. If I get mailing list email the volume will increase. Any ideas? I'll search the AOL help files in the meantime. John F. Richardson