My dear wife loves to play the piano. And I love for her to play the piano so I can listen. We have the money to buy a piano, too. But we lack the space. (Yes, Germany, land of small appartments.) Now I was thinking of getting reasonably priced equipment for her to use a keyboard together with Garageband, a Mac and a stereo. The problem here: This very technical setup should feel as natural as possible. I was thinking of connecting a keyboard to the Mac, then use Airport an Airport Express BaseStation to connect to our stereo. Does this sound reasonable at all? Will it sound fair enough? - One thing I am concerned about: I could not find documentation that Airport Express works with Garageband, too, and not just with iTunes. Could somebody with Garageband and Airport Express confirm that I can stream live audio to my stereo this way? - I am an absolute newbie to this, but after some looking around it seemed like the M-Audio Keystation 88es gives a good value for the money, plus ease of use, because the USB cable serves both for the music signals and for powering the keyboard. Any comments on that? What about the pedals? - Is anybody on this list using Garageband as a piano replacement and has some general advice? Any input welcome. Thanks, Björn