[X4U] FadeTimerAction

Paul Baily mglists at paulbaily.com
Mon Feb 28 03:44:25 PST 2005

G'day John,

Several generations in internet-dog years ago, John Azevedo wrote:

> I've been getting quite a few of the following in my system log:
> Feb 16 13:03:48 localhost kernel: AppleLMUController: 
> kbdFadeTimerAction.
> Feb 16 13:03:48 localhost kernel: AppleLMUController: setLEDBrightness 
> - Brightness level
> Any suggestions?

That is the kernel extension (AppleLMUController) that listens to the 
ambient light sensors on a suitably kitted out PowerBook (15" Al & 
17"). Unfortunately as of 10.3.8 (the first update to this extension 
since 10.3.0) it is like a nervous poodle that drank too much red 
cordial, which is being reported above. It's Mostly Harmless (Douglas 
Adams, RIP) and can safely be ignored, but it can cause flickering of 
the backlight on some PowerBook models which can be distracting to say 
the least.

If affected, you can either:

1) turn off this functionality until Apple fixes it (System 
Preferences->Displays-> uncheck Automatically adjust brightness as 
ambient light changes) - zero risk, but kinda defeats the purpose of 
the feature, or

2. Restore previous functionality by rolling back the extension 
concerned to the previous version. YMMV, at your own risk, but worked 
without any side-effect on mine (and I don't lightly make config 
changes to my main computer), yes that's my blog (sorry) etc.:


HTH, and cheers,


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