I suppose there's no fix for this, but thought I'd ask anyway. In the summer months I like to work outside on my deck with my Powerbook (Alum 15"). The deck has an awning but I'm not really in dim shade here or anything, more like diffused shade. Even with the screen at its brightest, it's like I'm working with black ink on medium-gray paper, barely any contrast. It's very hard to see what I'm doing especially when I'm trying to write an email like this, with 10 point geneva. Inside the house, the screen brightens up and all is fine. But I can't tell if the screen is *actually* brightening due to ambient light going down (I've never actually seen it happen, even walking slowly inside with the PB open in my arms, staring at the screen), or if it's an optical illusion. It's more like the *contrast* visually increases, not the brightness. And there's no contrast controls on the PBs as far as I can tell. To try to resolve the problem, I purchased a thing that's like a "hoodie" for laptops, sized for my 15" Powerbook screen. The "hoodman" looked promising: http://www.hoodmanusa.com/powerbook.asp It's supposed to cut down on glare outside and make my LCD screen easy to read. It really didn't do a thing except make me feel like I was working through a porthole ... I have to lean left and right to see the dock and palettes on the sides of the monitor. So now I'm thinking about sinking $100 into an anti-glare filter like this one: https://www.pcmall.com/pcmall/shop/detail~dpno~441747.asp But that's a heck of a lot of money. Does anyone have any experience with this issue and can proffer some advice? (I know this problem is trivial in the scheme of things. I was whining about it to my daughter the other day and she goes, "Poor baby, can't see her Powerbook screen on her deck, oh what a cruel world." LOL) thx AM