Hi everyone. We're looking for a new router for our LAN and the two our network supplier recommends are Netopia's R910 and R9100. First off, does anyone have any experience with either of these two routers? What's your opinion of them? The biggest difference between the R910 and the R9100 that I see is that the later has VPN acceleration (both have standard VPN). Is this really worth the price difference? We've never accessed our network from a remote location but the idea sounds intriguing. Both the above routers also come with Timbuktu. What are the Pros and Cons of accessing via VPN vs. Timbuktu? I'm pretty green when it comes to all this and know nothing about either methods. Thanks Mark Des Cotes Systems Manager/Graphic Designer Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd. 3308 Second Street East Cornwall Ontario Canada K6H 6J8 T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106, F (613) 932-1052 www.astroprinting.com