[X4U] Re: Still no luck mounting package

Cornett cornett at gol.com
Sat Oct 22 18:07:06 PDT 2005

?Paul?, et All Listas

On Oct 22, 2005, at 01:51 PM, 
x4u-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:
> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 21:51:43 -0700
> From: "? Paul E. Miller ?"
> Subject: [X4U] Still no luck mounting package
> To: "A place to discuss Mac OS X for the casual user."
> 	<x4u at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> What does "code overrun" mean? I downloaded
> MacOSXUpdateCombo10.3.9.dmg to again bring my system up to date
> because of a recent crash. But I double-click it and instead of
> verifying and unpacking it I get the message: "code overrun." Also,
> when I had first downloaded this same update via Software update it
> wouldn't verify. I need to know exactly how I enable
> permissions...I've run Disk Utility to Repair Permissions.

I had the same problems that you've run upon and after quite a go
around with a number of OSX Gurus on the possibilities, I ended
up trying the then thought no-no do procedure of Repairing the
Permissions from the Disk Utility found in the menu bar of the
Install disks first, then an a direct reboot onto the HD followed
with using the DU found in your on HD Utilities Folder to repeat
the process which then corrects for the update packages that've
been installed, followed by a Logout/Login and all was then back
to running well as was hoped. Do note tho; this is Not the fully
reccommended nor normal way of doing this, and I still believe it
to be considered strickly as a quite Radical move, and altho it
did the trick here. -ymmv

Goodluck, and keep us in the loop on your progress.

Respectful of GURUs
Bill Cornett


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