[X4U] Re: Lack of sleep

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Fri Sep 2 13:31:52 PDT 2005

At 17:34 -0700 9/1/05, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>I'm not alone in having *MAJOR* issues with them re-dumping Appletalk
>support.  This is preventing some people from upgrading, and some of them
>are planning on moving to Windows.

I backed out to 10.3.x because I didn't want to replace my SE/30 file server that I have used for years. The frustration is that I had to pay Apple to find out about it.

Apple "fixed" AppleTalk in 10.4.2 so that Tiger can talk to Windoze boxes over SMB. Does that make Wintel more important than OS 7.5 Macs?

Netpresenz (Stairways) allows two way comm from the SE/30 with my Linux boxes (Two @ $10.00 each). Go->Connect to server (SE/30 via ftp) is only one way.  My G4 using OS 10.3 allows me to use BBEdit on four screens to handle Linux via telnet. With a decent text editor for Linux I might drop OS neXt altogether. This is written in Eudora on an 8500 running OS 9.1.

And. . . I use my television for video and I rarely listen to music. Newspapers are good. What is Apple selling that I can't do in Linux?

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