[X4U] Lack of sleep - What about widgets I wanna know

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sat Sep 3 13:24:02 PDT 2005

On 09/02/05, Eddie Hargreaves <meged at earthlink.net> wrote:
> On 9/2/05 8:39 PM, John Baltutis <baltwo at san.rr.com> wrote:
>> Quick data point. I have six widgets set to launch when I select Dashboard,
>> all use 20-30 MB real memory. I left them on for three hours and their
>> memory usage didn't change. If your widget's were consuming more than that,
>> then there's something amiss in your system. What? I have no idea.
> Yes, I believe there is something amiss and it's probably related to WebKit
> because Safari also has a tendency to bloat in memory. When I created a new
> user, and left the widgets running there, they don't bloat.

Ah! Additional information. This implies a problem with the original user's
account; most likely a corrupt pref file or cache item. Try Preferential
Treatment (freeware) for the former and Tiger Cache Cleaner ($9 shareware)
for the latter. AFAIK, it's not a WebKit problem or you'd see it with the
new user account.

> Unfortunately, there seems to be nothing I can do about it short of starting
> from scratch, which I'm not going to do. Because my Tiger build is 8D37, I
> cannot install the combo update. So I'm just waiting for 10.4.3 to be
> released in the hopes it will solve the problem. But if anyone has any
> advice (other than fresh install) let me know.

If the above steps don't improve things, you could try copying preferences
from the original user to the new user, a few at a time, until you track
down the culprit. Last resort is an Archive & Install, vice a clean
install, but then you have to do the moving from Previous System to new
system dance. The preference dance is easier, IMHO.

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