At 11:44 PM -0500, 9/7/05, Linda wrote: My letter to the Editor read: >Your September 2005 report on personal computers had some >weaknesses. The report started out saying "Security might not be >foremost in your mind when you're shopping for a computer, but it >should play a part in your decision." This seems to be in contrast >to the bold headlines of that month's issue: "The odds are 1 in 3 >that your computer will be damaged or trashed by viruses or >spyware..." Wouldn't it seem prudent to put security at the very >top of your list so that you might not become a statistic and waste >your hard earned money? > >The article then goes on to say "Viruses and spyware are far more >likely to target Windows PCs than Macs." Most any of your >statisticians would easily agree since there are over 400,000 >viruses that are designed to attack the Windows operating system >while there is not a single one that has been found in the wild for >the Macintosh OS X operating system. > >The technical assistant missed a an item when your report said "It's >too soon to know however, whether new Macs will be more vulnerable >to attack once Apple begins its switch to Intel processors, the type >used in Windows PCs, next year." The fact is that viruses attack the >weaknesses of an operating system, not a processor. Many operating >systems use Intel processors but you don't hear about them have >problems with viruses like you do with the Window's PCs. > >Lastly, the article says "Whether you opt for a Windows PC or a Mac, >you should use antivirus, firewall, and antispyware programs." The >truth is that every antivirus software program on the Mac has had >multiple versions that have caused problems for Macintosh users >while being installed on an operating system for which there are not >viruses. Doesn't seem to make sense to me. And as for Spyware? This >too is a non issue on a Macintosh. There are no spyware programs at >this time on a Mac. -- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Robert Ameeti Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>