[X4U] iTunes authorization

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Mon Dec 4 07:09:09 PST 2006

On 4 Dec 2006, at 14:22, Michael Winter wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2006, at 5:02 AM, Simon Forster wrote:
>> On 4 Dec 2006, at 10:16, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>>> On Dec 4, 2006, at 11:05 AM, Simon Forster wrote:
>>>> I was an early adopter of iTunes and bought a couple of tracks  
>>>> from the store almost as soon as it was launched. Quite quickly  
>>>> I lost the tracks (laptop replacement, dying hard drives etc)  
>>>> and so I decided not to buy DRMed tracks. More recently I bought  
>>>> an album from iTunes - which has gone too as I swapped machines  
>>>> around.
>>> In other words, you didn't back up your files...? :-)
>> Actually, no.
> At which point you've lost the file wether its DRM'd or not.

You're mis-reading and mis-quoting what I said:

"Actually, no. It's simply that I tend to use the move from one  
machine to another (or a hard drive upgrade) as an excuse to do some  
spring cleaning. I copy across the stuff I need and then make some  
form of archive copy of the old data so that if I need something in  
the future, I can go get it."

I was replying in the negative to Kirk's assertion that I "didn't  
back up" my files - although to be fair, re-reading the post it's not  
100% clear. Double negatives and all that I guess.

>> Now think tracks I can't access. Why keep them?
> Because all you have to do is authorize the new computer. If that's  
> too much of a hassle, then the iTMS isn't for you.  I just don't  
> think its fair to blame Apple for the loss of those tracks. As I  
> said, if they were purchased and downloaded with no DRM and you  
> failed to back them up, they're gone just as surely.

Again, no. iTunes was telling me that I couldn't authorise the tracks  
on the newest computer as I'd already authorised on 5 computers  
previously. At the time, I didn't know about de-authorising  
computers. So shoot me.

I will agree that iTunes music store is not for me. It sells music at  
a questionable bit rate with DRM which detracts from my ease of use  
while offering little in return.

My opinion of course.

Simon Forster
  LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
  Tel: +44 (0)20 8133 0528   Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247

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