[X4U] No video in browsers

David R. Boag spikedds at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 25 17:39:25 PST 2006

My folks and brother are having weirdness with their G4 350MHz  
Sawtooth. IIRC, it has a Gig of RAM, so RAM is unlikely to be the issue.

The issue is that whenever they try to view mpeg's in their browsers,  
all they can see is a black rectangle where the video should be, and  
the words "no picture" in the middle of it. An example would be going  
to Apple's home page, where one of the "Hello, I'm a Mac" ads is  
supposed to play. Bubkis. It happens for both users. I walked them  
through reinstalling Quicktime without improvement. I also had them  
create a new user to see if that helped. Nope. I even had them DL and  
install Firefox 2. Same thing.

In addition, they are getting a lot of slow performance with lots of  
spinning wheels.

So, the problem is not user-specific and it's not app specific. Any  
suggestions for me? They are pretty illiterate with computers, so a  
system reinstall would not be fun. I'm going ot try to get the m to  
upgrade to a Mini, but that is for another conversation.

Any suggestions for further diagnosis?
David R. Boag, DDS
spikedds at bellsouth.net

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