Well I don't know why anyone here bothered to hit the link and read his tripe. I certainly didn't. I don't need to read him cause I know his style which is to write nonsense. I just enjoyed all of our comments instead. ; ^ ) The newbie's fears are totally unwarranted and I look forward to a future where PPC Macs and Intel Macs live side by side in peaceful harmony saving the world from Windoze bigotry and belligerence through an enlightened Universal Mac OS X Leopard and beyond. I can't wait for Leopard to pounce on my Quad and crank up its performance in 2007 - for a few months anyway until I can get my hands on an 8 core Mac Pro. GOD this Quad is WEAK. ; ^ ) ; ^ P -- Taylor Barcroft New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL http://FutureMedia.org RSS http://feeds.feedburner.com/FutureMedia iTunes http://tinyurl.com/8ql87 barcroft (gizmo) kungax (Skype) kungag5 (iChat-AIM) On Feb 17, 2006, at 1:41 AM, Stroller wrote: > Whenever I read some of Dvorak's tosh I feel like I've wasted > several minutes of my life which could have been FAR more > productively spent darning socks. And now I've wasted MORE time > responding to it! And I've promoted his site in doing so, adding > momentum to the cycle I mentioned above. See??!? I feel dirty and > used!! ARRRRG!!! > > Reading Dvorak is the internet-equivalent of watching Celebrity Big > Brother on TV.