[X4U] Apple dumping OSX....Slow Adobe

Steve Self steveself at mac.com
Fri Feb 17 10:54:02 PST 2006

> As for Adobe...I'm on an Intel iMac right now and I work in a media  
> centre
> where I use Photoshop and InDesign all the time and I am  
> disappointed that
> there won't be Intel versions of CS until 2007. That's waaaaayyy  
> too long in
> my books. It does seem like a slap in face we don't give a shit  
> attitude. I
> think that's a bad sign for Apple. While Photoshop and InDesign do  
> run under
> Rosetta they are slower than my previous 1.8 G5 and I feel like  
> I've taken a
> step back. I don't know if that's because Jobs got the Intels out  
> faster
> than originally forecast or if Apple didn't work closely enough  
> with Adobe
> in the lead up to the switch or if Adobe really just wants to cut  
> out of
> Apple all together. All I know is I don't like it.

I hear ya. I wonder if it is simply Adobe allocating appropriate  
resources given the market and forecasted profits from an universal  
binary (yin-yang disk).

I also wonder if Adobe is kinda gently slapping Jobs back for his  
Aperture, Final Cut Pro, and Pages... All of which compete at least  
obliquely with Adobe products. A sorta, "well show you how much you  
need us..." move. Which usually backfires in the end, so I doubt that  
is what is going on.


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