[X4U] Server connection issue

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at SonyDADC.com
Wed Jan 11 18:23:58 PST 2006

Thanks for responding Milton,

Yes, already done. That's what I was referring to when I mentioned I 
cleared out all the Keychain settings. When I now launch Keychain Access 
the window is empty of ANY references.

Does anyone know what preferences can be dumped for Keychain Access? Or 
what preferences can be dumped that may contain data for Connect to 



Milton van der Veen <miltonlist at hurontel.on.ca> 

Hi Brett,

Have you checked the Keychain Access.app? (I just did that on my Mac as I 
was exploring your question and found computers/servers listed that I no 
longer owned ... multiple instances of each of my previous Macs since I've 
had OS X with each of the network IP addresses they had.)

You will probably find a listing for the server in question and you can 
delete that. Just my guess.


On Jan 11, 2006, at 12:43 AM, Brett Conlon wrote:

I have one operator (of 15) who is having troubles connecting to one of 
our Pre-Press volumes. I believe someone chose to save passwords on this 
Mac (from in the Connect to Server window). I have cleared out all visible 
Keychain settings but whenever I try to connect to this device I keep 
getting the following error: 

"Connecting to AFP://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. 
Could not connect to server because the name or password is not correct." 
with buttons (Try again) (Cancel) 

It brings up this error immediately without giving me the login/password 
window - hence my suspicion someone tried to save the connection via the 

Is there a preference I can remove to get the login dialog appearing again 
for this device? Connecting to other network devices is fine. 
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