> I really would like to see the material you read. If true, 3X is > worth a lot more > than one splat!!!! I believe that is somewhere in the material that was released at the beginning of the year when the first Intel based systems were released. > My experiences with Excel and Word on a 512MB MacBook is that they > generally appear to run at the same speed as on a 1.3GHz PBook. One real > plus is that my spreadsheet, 16400 rows long, takes only 5 sec to save on > the MacBook, compared to 15 sec on the PB. Now that's significant to me!! > (I assume Excel uses some file system calls that have been converted to > universal.) > > However, there are occasional delays or pauses during some finder or file > type activities that are annoying but not crippling. I can't even imagine running a Mac 10.4 system with only 512MB of RAM, and it is obvious that Apple can't either. I finally had the opporunity to play with some of the Intel based systems at our local Mac store a couple weekends ago, and I found it most interesting that while they're sold with only 512MB RAM *ALL* of the Demo machines have 1GB RAM. I find that *VERY* *DISHONEST* of Apple! I'd recommend not running any Dashboard Widgets. Is there anyway to turn that pig off yet? It is one of the reasons I went back to 10.3.9 on my G5 2x2 w/3.5GB RAM. Also, either exit out of Safari regularly, or better yet, use Firefox as it is far more efficient than Safari. I'm using the first Firefox 2 beta, and the difference in memory usage is quite impressive. I've yet to be *forced* to restart Firefox, while after a couple weeks of running Safari it would get so sluggish, I'd have to restart it (the memory usage would also go through the roof). > I should receive 2GB of memory and a 7200 rpm drive today, so I'll have a > before/after comparison soon. That 2GB will do wonders for you! The faster drive will also speed you up, but what will it do for the system heat? Zane