[X4U] Option Key sticking (possibly because of VNC)

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at sonydadc.com
Tue Nov 28 15:38:50 PST 2006


Just wondering if anyone has any ideas... I have a Retrospect Mac 
(G4/533DP) running 10.4 and Retrospect and from time to time the Option 
Key sticks, eg. if I close one window, all windows close or if I type 
something in, the option key characters show.

Rebooting fixes it. Previously it was seldom in occurrence but in the past 
few days it has been happening each day.

This issue only seemed to show up after I installed VNC Server and the 
designers connected to it via Chicken of the VNC. So I'm assuming this has 
something to do with it. No other Mac in the studio has ever displayed 
this issue and no other Mac has ever had the VNC Server installed on it.

Your thoughts are most welcome.



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