On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:19:41 -0500, Jesse Leo <jleo at projectsupport.com> asked: > Does anyone know if it's possible to drive two monitors from a Macbook Pro? > I'm assuming it would not be possible out of the box, but are there any > additional adapters that could make this happen? Yes indeedy, and you may not even need an adapter, depending on your monitor. I regularly switch back and forth between three monitor setups: MBP (Core2 LED, Summer 2007) alone, MBP with external VGA monitor and one continuous desktop, and MBP feeding a television in mirror mode via S-video. Provided I shut down completely in between uses, the system remembers the settings used for the monitor setup it discovers on booting! Very convenient. I do need separate adapters here; Apple sells them for $20 each.