[X4U] how to view "pageouts?"

David Ledger dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 17 22:22:50 PDT 2008

>From: zapcat <zapcat at speakeasy.net>
>anyone familiar with pageouts (with respect to RAM...not enough
>can pageout activity be useful as a diagnostic tool, to help gauge
>performance and load on a Mac, or does it basically just remind me that
>the machine doesn't have enough RAM?

Every pageout indicates that a process needs memory that isn't 
available. To get it that memory the system has to page out some 
other process's memory page. If it happens a lot you're short of RAM.

It doesn't gauge performance, it's a cause of poor performance. All 
it tells you about load is that you're asking your system to do more 
than you have the RAM for.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
HP-UX specialist of hpUG technical user group (www.hpug.org.uk)
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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