1st gen MacBook Pro, 1.83 GHz, 2 Gigs RAM, updated to 10.5.2. For the past year, I've run Win XP Home via Boot Camp, but decided on a whim to install Fusion 1.1. Once I did, I apparently didn't get VMWare Tools installed correctly, and the Windows partition tried to find various drivers from the Internet. Eventually the update seemed finished, but now Win demanded activation - except that I couldn't complete booting into Windows to be able to activate. So, I decided to chuck the whole thing, recreate a Boot Camp partition and reinstall Windows. THAT didn't work because my version of WinXP Home is an UPGRADE, and I've tossed my ole Win ME from Virtual PC days. So, I ordered a full version of Win XP Home and began preparing for IT by trying to delete, then re-create the Boot Camp partition. In the process of the latter, I got my first kernal panic ever on this computer (repetitively). I tried to repair the disk with Disk Utility from the Leopard Install disk. It won't boot the computer! The optical drive grunts repetitively in the same pattern while the little gear wheel spins (I've let it run like this for 20 minutes). No problem, says I, and I pull out my DiskWarrior 4 CD, boot from it, run DiskWarrior and reclaim the missing 15 Gigabytes from my drive. Only thing is, the OS X 10.5 install disk STILL won't boot the computer despite the repaired directory on the internal hard drive, and when I run Boot Camp Assistant one more time, I get another kernal panic. I'll be traveling this weekend (hopefully with this computer) and will need the laptop on a 10 day trip. My new Windows XP comes tomorrow, and as of now things don't look rosy for installing it. I cannot reinstall my Leopard OS because the Leopard Installer disk won't boot the computer (I think the Windows install disk did something perhaps to the lowest level partition map, but I don't know WHY I think that other than even after I deleted the Boot Camp partition, before I selected the Mac OS partition for booting the screen would appear with white text on black background telling me to "press any key to boot from CD ROM drive" or something like that. Any ideas what I should try next? I do have the original MacBook Pro system disk. I don't know whether I can start the computer from IT, but I don't know why that disk would boot it if the Leopard Installer won't (of course, the Leopard installer DID work on this box previously, which is how I got Leopard on it in the first place. Jim Robertson --