[X4U] Streaming Video

Neil Laubenthal neil at laubenthal.net
Fri May 29 18:28:43 PDT 2009

I had thought of that possibility . . .but decided it wasn't very  
elegant and was hoping to discover a more wife friendly solution:-)

On May 17, 2009, at 11:04 PM, Michael Winter wrote:

> On May 11, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Neil Laubenthal wrote:
>> My wife has asked me to figure out a way to stream internet video  
>> to the HD TV . . . she's a fan of bike racing and is looking for a  
>> better way to watch the races than on the laptop.
> I sometimes do it with my laptop using a mini-DVI to HDMI cable.  
> Then just mirror the laptop monitor to the HD TV.

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