[X4U] iPad news

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Tue Feb 2 18:22:00 PST 2010

On Feb 2, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> I'd be interested in knowing what you base the claim that Apple was  
> the
> driving force away from SCSI and floppy drives.  The PC desktop  
> world never
> really went with SCSI, just high-end workstations.  It was SAS that  
> did SCSI
> in.  As for floppies, they remained on PC's until flash drives became
> common.
> Yes, Apple drove the usage of USB and Firewire, but Firewire is  
> sadly well
> on its way to becoming irrelevant.  I rather hope that the next Mac  
> Pro
> includes either USB3, or eSATA ports, in addition to Firewire  
> ports.  Have
> you looked recently for *new* Firewire devices?

SAS is SCSI - Serially Attached SCSI.

So you can't really say that SAS did in SCSI.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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