[X4U] Apple to abandon Mac Pro?

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Tue Nov 1 10:33:28 PDT 2011

At 9:30 AM -0700 11/1/11, catsoul wrote:
>thoughts on this story?

I purchase my Mac Pro about a year ago, in person, at one of the 
Apple Stores.  When I did, I had two managers talking to me.  They 
were seriously interested as to why I was buying it.  I learned that 
basically no private individual buy's Mac Pro's anymore, and they 
were amazed that I was.

One slight problem, I'm very sersious about my photography.  I need 
more than just the 4 internal drives for my Photoshop configuration. 
I also have a 2 drive eSATA RAID, and a Drobo.  This doesn't include 
the FW800 doc for doing offsite backups (once I buy the drives to do 
them).  I also have 24Gb of RAM, and at times I wish I had more.

Thus my important to factors are RAM and Disk Space.  I went with the 
8-core model to get 8 RAM slots vs. 4 slots.  I basically never put a 
noticable load on my CPU's.  With my old Dual 2Ghz G5 PowerMac I 
almost always had the CPU's and RAM pegged.  My old G4/450 PowerMac 
just plain wanted to melt down under the load.  What I'm saying is 
that the new Mac Pro's are amazing machines and honestly CPU wise, 

What Apple needs to do is bring out a new desktop that can use 
standard desktop CPU's, and support a boatload of RAM and drives. 
Very, very few people need the CPU power of a current Mac Pro.


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com              | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Photographer               |
|                     My flickr Photostream                     |
|          http://www.flickr.com/photos/33848088@N03/           |

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