Hi, I was intrigued by this written by Craig Finseth: > First, the metadata in the online service that Apple used (and, as far as I know, all other services) is very inconsistent. > > Normally, I use it as a starting place and replace most of it with my own entries. But I have a good sized library (25,000+ songs) and want to be able to find things. I have a large iTunes library with considerable "Classical" music - pre Baroque, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern, African (subdivided when possible), American Indian, Indian... You get the idea. Further, I use things like: Chopin, Frédéric (1810 - 1849). Apple uses "Classical" and "World" as their categories and seems to have a lot of trouble spelling composers names. I'd like to use "New iTunes Match". However, I don't want to need to correct all of my music's names and categories if Apple screws up all of my previous efforts. Any ideas? Thanks Larry