Thanks Steve, Sorry everyone for describing the long, hard path... I'm not very familiar with sudo and certainly wasn't aware that you could execute root commands without activating the superuser (although it makes sense now). Learn something new every day...of course you could still do it the way I described but it would be foolish compared to Steve's elegant method. Working towards a permanent and not so brutal solution for the synching problem is it possible that because it is trying to communicate with two ports at one time that the differences and therefore the problem lies in the settings in the System preferences application, Bluetooth, serial ports tab settings? The levy people (any others?) seem to have the setup working okay...can someone with functioning BT and TT post the settings from this area so that the others can compare to see if this would help? i.e. if one or more of the following settings there are at fault...authorization, direction, name, device and service? Would this help at all??? Cheers, Richard -- Stephen Jonke wrote the following: > Actually, not only isn't it necessary to activate the root account, but > activating root isn't recommended. Any admin user account can use the > "sudo" command to get root privileges temporarily. So, if you aren't > using an admin account, here's what you'd need to type (stuff in angle > brackets you need to replace with the appropriate thing): > > su <some admin user> [enter *their* password to su to them] > sudo kill <blued's PID> [enter the the admin user's password, > not root's!]