[BTM] Cheesy fix for non-syncing Tungsten/T's!

Martim Weinstein emdub at mac.com
Fri Jan 17 08:24:08 PST 2003

Ok finnaly I had the computer free to test this procedure. 
Unfortunately the result is the same: Kernel panic even before the 
hotsync application opens. So, at least for me, it's not the Blued 
process that is causing the panic. This is a bit of a drag as I was 
kind of hopefull to at least get it working in this manner... :-(
Any suggestion on processes to kill? I enjoyed that... ;-)

I still have to test the "install on another computer" theory...


All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, all men are 
Socrates. -Woody Allen

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