[BTM] BT access to LAN directly from Mac/BT Modem

Gary Mark gmark at cogeco.ca
Sun Jan 4 13:12:25 PST 2004

Thanks to Martim Weinstein for this info:

> First my configuration: Powerbook G4 500 Mhz, OS 10.2.6, generic USB
> BT module (brandless), Tungsten T and a heavy dose of patience. The
> Tibook is receiving net from an airport station connected to another
> mac which is sharing it's connection. So basically I'm sharing through
> BT a already shared connection... oh, one more thing: my Firewall is
> off. There is something about opening ports 8827 and 8775 in order to
> work with WebPro (Tungsten browser) but since I don't use my firewall
> I didn't test it.
> None of this stuff is of my authoring, I got most of it out of
> Macosxhints.com and used some common sense and troubleshooting. Some
> of the stuff I did, I don't understand too deeply (like the script!),
> so I'm just describing what works for me.
> Link on the article I used (most of the stuff is from the comments
> section):
> <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20021103062212288>
> Configuring the Mac:
> 1- activate another port in network preferences that allows you to
> share your main connection. To make a port your main connection port
> just drag it to the top. Even if you don't use it, you'll need it open
> otherwise the script below might not work. No configuration needed of
> this port.
> 2- Share that connection activating it in Sharing in the system
> preferences. No need to configure anything.
> 3- Paste the following script into script editor. Keep it as a script
> at first so you can make alterations as necessary.
> set runresult to ""
>  tell me to activate
>  display dialog "Turn Bluetooth Internet Sharing ON?" buttons
> {"Cancel", "Yes"} default button 2
>  set userchoice to button returned of result
>  if userchoice = "Yes" then
>          with timeout of 20 seconds
>                  try
>                          do shell script "sudo
> /usr/libexec/InternetSharing" with administrator privileges
>                          set runresult to "Statement 1 done" & return
>                  on error errormsj
>                          display dialog errormsj as string
>                          set runresult to runresult & "Statement one
> failed" * errormsj & return
>                  end try
>                  try
>                          do shell script "sudo /usr/sbin/pppd
> /dev/tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync 115200 noauth local passive proxyarp
> asyncmap 0 silent persist : &"
>                          set runresult to "Internet Sharing ON" &
> return
>                  on error errormsj
>                          display dialog errormsj as string
>                          set runresult to runresult & "Statement 2
> failed" * errormsj & return
>                  end try
>          end timeout
>          tell me to activate
>          display dialog (runresult as string) buttons {"OK"} default
> button 1
>  end if
> For my LAN I changed the ip on  "proxyarp asyncmap 0 silent persist
> : &" to since it's the ip range I use. Not sure
> if it made a difference, but again, I'm only describing what I have
> since what I have is working.
> 4- Run the script. Once it works you can save it as an application and
> even include it in the login items...
> Configuring the Tungsten (This is just copy, paste from macosxhints):
> 1- Launch the Prefs application on your Palm Powered handheld.
> 2- Select the Connection panel.
> 3- Touch the New... button.
> 4- Give the new connection a descriptive name such as Bluetooth to
> Macintosh.
> 5- Set Connect to to PC.
> 6- Set Via to Bluetooth.
> 7- Touch the box labeled Tap to Find and select your Macintosh.
> 8- Touch Details....
> 9- Set Speed to 115,200 bps.
> 10- Set Flow Ctl to Automatic.
> 11- Touch OK twice to return to the Connection panel.
> 12- Select the Network panel.
> 13- Choose the UUNet service. Rename it something descriptive, such as
> Bluetooth to Macintosh.
> 14- Set Connection to the connection you just created previously in
> this section.
> 15- Leave the User Name and Password entries blank.
> 16- Touch Details... and ensure that Conection type is set to PPP and
> IP Address is checked. Uncheck Query DNS and enter the addresses of
> local Primary and Secondary DNS servers for your network. THIS IS VERY
> 17- Set the Idle timeout to however long you'd like the connection to
> remain active before timing out. (I set mine to never)
> 18- Touch Script... and make sure that the only entry in the script is
> End.
> 19- Touch OK twice.
> Testing the connection and troubleshooting:
> 1- Simply go to WebPro and see if it loads any page... no?
> 2- Is BT activated on the Tungsten? Did you press connect in the
> Connection panel? Yes, should be you answer to both. If youre getting
> "serial" errors it is probably one of these. It was for me. On my
> palm, everytime I switch it off, I have to activate BT and press
> connect again.
> 3- You can also try substituting the IP address for webpro.palm.com
> ( in Web Pro's (menu) Options > Preferences > Advanced.
> That eliminates the potential DNS problems with the host address,
> anyway.
> 4- You can figure out whether your connection is working by using ping
> from within your Palm.  Go to Prefs > Network > (your Service name) >
> (menu) Options > View Log WITHYOUR CONNECTION ACTIVE.  Scroll to the
> bottom of the log and you can test ping there.  Grafitti in "ping
>" return (downward left slash, not the Done button), and
> if your connection is talking to the outside world, it should have one
> line that says "Pinging with 32 bytes of data:" and then
> it should return "Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms
> TTL=125".  If it times out, then you are not talking to the webpro
> site at the very least.  If it works,  I would ping a non-IP address
> like apple.com to test your DNS lookup.  If it works there, then both
> the connection and your DNS servers are working.  Beware that I got
> errors from some sites I pinged, including macosxhints.com, probably
> because they set up their ping services strange.

On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 10:26  PM, Alpine Adventures wrote:

> 1. I am using a Palm T3 with a Mac running OS X 10.2.8. I would like to
> access my Ethernet LAN on the Palm directly (without a separate network
> access point) from my Mac via BT. Is this possible? I am mostly 
> interested
> in access to the LAN=B9s broadband connection. The BT connection from 
> Palm to
> Mac works fine for HotSync and file transfer but I have not found a 
> way to
> access the LAN. Even with BT speed limitations it would seem like a 
> useful
> tool. Has anyone found a way to do this?

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