[BTM] P800, OS X, and AT&T GPRS

Dr. Edward Covelli ecovelli at covellichiro.com
Thu Jun 10 06:26:25 PDT 2004

1. Pair the phone to the computer using the Utilities:Bluetooth Setup

2. In the System Preferences: Network (10.3), create a new location, call it
ATT GPRS. Set the port to the Bluetooth Built-in or Adaptor. Under the
TCP/IP tab, choose PPP, under the PPP tab, the number to dial is *99#  Do
not turn on any of the Advanced options.

3. On the phone, set Bluetooth to ON and authorize the computer.

4. Set the location to ATT GPRS and when you try to connect, the
phone/computer will pair and the computer will dial *99# and be connected to
the service.

There is software out there to assist you, but I think it just does the two
things in step 2.

In Good Health,
     Dr. Ed
Dr. Edward M. Covelli, Jr.                      Chiropractor
(914) 472-5744                     ecovelli at covellichiro.com
495 Central Park Avenue          http://www.covellichiro.com
Suite 301                    http://www.healthyworkshops.com
Scarsdale, NY 10583
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