[BTM] P800, OS X, and AT&T GPRS

Dr. Edward Covelli ecovelli at covellichiro.com
Thu Jun 10 06:28:49 PDT 2004

One important thing, when you first pair the phone, there are options for
which bluetooth services you want to activate, turn them all on. If you've
already paired them without the services, you may have to re-pair them.

In Good Health,
     Dr. Ed
Dr. Edward M. Covelli, Jr.                      Chiropractor
(914) 472-5744                     ecovelli at covellichiro.com
495 Central Park Avenue          http://www.covellichiro.com
Suite 301                    http://www.healthyworkshops.com
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Helping people regain and maintain optimal health.
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