[P1] iBook problem..

Andrew Nye andrew at nye.tc
Mon Dec 2 08:05:10 PST 2002

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 03:49  pm, Joe wrote:

> A friend is getting strange sounds from her iBook

Hi Joe
I had exactly this problem some months ago. It sounded as though the 
hard drive was constantly searching for something. The sound wasn't 
loud, but really irritating. I tried all sorts of things - optimizing 
included, but in the end I found an article in the Apple Knowledge Base 
that suggested using the power reset button (just above the audio 
jack). The procedure was, I think to turn off, remove the battery, 
press in the button for a few seconds then replace the battery and 
restart. It worked perfectly, the noise disappeared and hasn't returned.

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