[P1] To iBook or not to iBook

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 16 19:44:34 PST 2002

On Monday, December 16, 2002, at 08:34  PM, paulatx1 at aol.com wrote:

> Nobody buys a Mac because they NEED it.  They buy a Mac because they 
> DESERVE to have the best computer in the world.

I thought it was because we are obsessive compulsive buyers easily 
possessed by Apple's ads and the subliminal signals in Apple Garramond.

My Presidential Campaign Begins: My first proposal is that a personal 
computer remains just that, personal, and that no company or person has 
any right to place, without informed permission, any software on that 
which would infringe on its security or privacy.
Jack Rodgers

Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Web:  www.jackrodgers.com
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iBlog: coming soon

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