On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 05:55 PM, iBook List wrote: > Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 12:22:23 -0600 > Subject: [P1] Cracking clamshell > From: Travis Martin <tmartin198 at cox.net> > Message-ID: <BA0674FF.3BF1%tmartin198 at cox.net> > > Good morning, all, > > I have a graphite se466 with a minor problem on the pcb (audio out jack > loose) and therefor need to open the case. > > I recall reading here some time ago that the clamshell ibooks are > tricky to > open and seems like there was a site mentioned that addressed this, > but I > can't find any record of it. Can I ask someone to point me in the right > direction? > > Thanks, > > Travis I just upgraded my Rev A original Blue iBook 300mHz from a 3GB drive to 20GB drive and used these instructions: http://www.powerpage.org/story.lasso?newsID=7893 pictures are at bottom of page and I just basically used the pics: http://www.tznet.com/tittle/PHOTOS_1/iBook1.html I also had these instructions but only skimmed them but they had some pointers about the bottom back tabs that if not put in properly, may make the hinge make cracking sounds and be hard to open/close: http://caslis.com/mac/ibook/ibdrive.html Folks on this list supplied me with these links and i am grateful. The site that I run it on is currently under development and while I upgraded to a total of 288MB RAM the new drive in concert with the RAM are making it very speedy. My friend s are impressed at the speed. Onto load testing I suppose. My little iBook is performing a bit like the big boys now. Well, she is only serving up some PHP DataBase driven forum, but hey ;-) Good luck with your pcb problem! Erik Gilchrist mailto:erikgil at metagrafix.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d e s i g n . d e v e l o p . d e l i v e r :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com ::::::::