Dead pixel issue

B.J. Major bjbear71 at
Sun Nov 24 16:30:56 PST 2002

>David has a brand new ibook with a flaw in the display and this is 
>*not* a reason for return and exchange?!!
>How can that be? Isn't it reasonable to expect something you spend 
>that much money on to be perfect for a week or two?

Because Apple (and other laptop manufacturers) have a rule that you 
cannot claim a pixel defect unless you have a minumum of 7 pixels dead.

Also, I've learned over the years despite my never having THIS particular 
problem with any PowerBook or iBook I've owned that it's not reasonable 
to expect a perfect LCD display.  It would be nice if that's the way it 
was, but it's not.  It's the nature of the LCD itself and it's actually 
quite a miracle of manufacture that there are not many more laptops with 
dead pixels on them.

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