[P1] Battery life for 1yr old iBook

Small Moose Ltd small_moose_ltd at mac.com
Mon Nov 25 07:22:35 PST 2002

On 25/11/02 2:36 pm, "Charles Martin" <chasm at mac.com> wrote:
> It the paragraph prior to the one you quoted, it was made clear that I
> was talking about my clamshell iBooks ONLY. The quoted paragraph is
> 100% accurate regarding my personal feelings about OS X on *clamshell*
> iBooks, which are limited to 800x600 screens.
> I also own a couple of G3 iMacs, a G3 "white" iBook, and a flat-panel
> 17" G4 iMac. All of *those* machines run OS X extremely happily.
Hi again Charles,

Seeing as you own a Tangerine, Graphite and an Icebook, I was wondering if
you could tell me of the difference between the Icebooks and the Clamshells
from your experience. This is just for my own interest, not for anything
hugely technical. 

See, I wonder about the latest revision of iBooks now, and I wonder whether
it is really a massive leap from the machine I use now (Clamshell 466).
Would I really be blown away by the performance increase? Or would it feel
more like a subtle improvement.

I use my iBook for word processing, a little graphics work a 'la Photoshop,
illustrator, a little music, bit of gaming and it all seems fine. The only
thing I really hate is the weight of the machine and the crappy speaker. Oh
yes, and I have always wondered about the difference in screen brightness
between the clamshell and Icebook. Does the newer model really sport a much
brighter, clearer screen?

I can imagine that the guy who has moved from the Performa up to the 800MHz
iBook will feel like he's jumped into a rocket ship, but I'm thinking for me
it would feel like a slightly faster car.

I use OS9, and tend to feel the biggest improvements would come from
installing Jaguar, a 512Mb module, and fitting a 5400rpm internal hard
drive. Not that I have the money for any of this right now, but that is the
route I feel I would take rather than move onto an entirely new machine.

When I say to ask you of your experience, I'm really rather referring to
whether it feels that much more pleasant and natural in your lap, whether
the screen is perfectly bright even if you are sitting under a lamp, blah
blah etc. 

I have a G3 iMac also (Indigo), and feel a hard drive upgrade in the iBook
would bring it as close to the speed of the iMac as possible in terms of

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