[P1] OT: ecnames.com = frauds ?

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Tue Aug 5 17:41:08 PDT 2003

Peter Nacken wrote:

> Hello people ... Somewhat OT, but I am curious what you guys think ..
> I keep getting email from this company ecnames.com and there web 
> hosting
> offer sounds quite nice ... Ecnames.com/host
> Now . I am curious if this is serious ... There is NO phone number 
> anywhere
> on that 5 page nicely done website ... Could that be just a trap for
> phishing cc # ?   I could not find anything on google about them ...

If they're spamming you, they're not worthy of your attention (unless 
idea of "attention" is a mallet upside the head).

A lot of times, people wind up buying hosting with spammers or spam-
supporters because the "offer sounds quite nice." What they don't tell
you is that many Internet sites block email from these hosting companies
wholesale. You get what you pay for.

My advice would be to find a local ISP and support them... if you have
a problem, you can walk right into the office & bark at 'em. ;-)

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
"The hardest part of all this is the part that requires thinking."
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