[P1] OT: Anonymous FTP?

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 7 08:31:51 PDT 2003

On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 01:23  AM, Tom R. no spam wrote:

> Uploads are an entirely different matter.  If you don't have
> strict control over who can upload, you risk wasting a lot of
> time dealing with unwanted stuff deposited by tricksters.
> And if you need restricted access--and it's a BAD idea to
> have users sending passwords clear text, so ftp is out--
> that's some more work.  My own suggestion for simplicity,
> FWIW, would be https and a secure login, and then allow
> up- or download.  However, I don't really know enough about
> https details to be more explicit.

Sounds like what would be nice would be an ftp program/system that 
works like email. When you log in it sends you back a list of files 
sent to you for download and you can click select the ones you want and 
then delete next time after you have verified the files, or everyone 
has downloaded.

You can transfer files using email attachments and achieve this 
function but some ips and company servers will object to large file 
sizes. The problem being that the transfer slows down the flow of email 
so I would recommend setting up an address to be used just for email 
attachments of large files: MyEmail at xxx.com and MyBigFiles at xxx.com. Now 
you can download the big file attachments when you want to or last 
after the email.

Another method is to use SpeedDownload which appears to have que 
ability and you could aim at a particular folder on your download 
server. Each person could have an manage their own download folder.

I just happened to remember that I have a problem remembering things 
and I am a procrastinator. So I decided to create an automated system 
to remind and force me to follow up. I'll probably start on it tomorrow.

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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