7300 Grad, iBook Frosh: Eudora Won't Open URLs

Fred Stevens K2FRD K2FRD at stny.rr.com
Sat Aug 9 08:14:16 PDT 2003

Just got me a brand new iBook 900/14"  Wednesday from the Apple Store 
in Albany, NY - my very first spanking-new computer. For years, I've 
had older Macs including a IIvx and until now, a PM 7300 (G3'ed/400, 
368 RAM, OS 9.1). From this latter, which was my main machine for 
more than three years, I moved all my data and most of my 
applications via ethernet crossover cable including my Eudora Pro 
5.1.3 (paid version) to my iBook. All is well EXCEPT:  when I 
double-click onto a URL in a Eudora message, it opens iCab 2.9.1 (new 
download for OS X), but it will not go to the website; it just stays 
there with the menu bar and doesn't go anywhere. I can copy and paste 
the URL into iCab's address line and access the site from there, but 
it's a major inconvenience and waste of time. I've changed the 
settings and preferences in both applications so many times in so 
many ways that I've lost track. I've gone to Eudora's x-settings and 
changed a couple things with no effect. I've changed default browsers 
(NN 4.8, IE 5.2) back and forth; no difference. I've waded through 
the Eudora tech support for Mac/FAQs/etc. with no luck (including the 
option-click onto the URL to set the default browser for Eudora).

What am I doing wrong or what have I missed? Is it that my Eudora is 
functioning under OS 9.2 while iCab is operating from OS X and won't 
handle the transition? I really don't want to download the Eudora 
upgrade to 5.2 for OS X (I'm cheap), but will if that's the group's 
consensus.  FWIW, when I option-double-click onto a URL, IE 5.2 for 
OS X will not appear as an option whereas IE 5.2 in OS 9.2 does show 
up; still, the change to IE 5.2 under OS 9 as Eudora's default 
browser doesn't change anything. Still no go to website.

TIA, Fred

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