[P1] 7300 Grad, iBook Frosh: Eudora Won't Open URLs

Eugene invaderujin at san.rr.com
Sat Aug 9 19:03:24 PDT 2003

>>Just got me a brand new iBook 900/14"  Wednesday from the Apple 
>>Store in Albany, NY - my very first spanking-new computer. For 
>>years, I've had older Macs including a IIvx and until now, a PM 
>>7300 (G3'ed/400, 368 RAM, OS 9.1). From this latter, which was my 
>>main machine for more than three years, I moved all my data and 
>>most of my applications via ethernet crossover cable including my 
>>Eudora Pro 5.1.3 (paid version) to my iBook.

I had this issue before.  If you're running a Classic version of 
Eudora, the URLs can't be sent from the classic Eudora app to the OS 
X browser app.

Download the older Eudora installer (OS X version) from 
<http://www.eudora.com/techsupport/kb/2350hq.html>.  Your previous 
reg code should work fine with it.

Hope this helps!

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