> My ibook gets put to sleep when I close the lid,,,,,obviously. But if > I pick > it up or move it around, it wakes up with the lid closed...HELP After you close the lid, check to be sure the latch is engaged by trying to lift the lid just off center beyond the latch placement. If it opens, either the latch is defective or something is obstructing and preventing complete closure. A few times, I have been in a hurry when i close mine and malposition whatever happens to be the screen protector of the day. If a a tiny bit of the protector blocks the latch from securing, the book may not be latching securely and any movement could cause it to awaken Recently there has been a kbase article about books and sleep issues, you may want to do a search for it. If I find the reference, I will post it for you. About 4-6 weeks ago, I signed up for the daily kbase email which tells what articles, updates and manuals have been released daily and it is buried in those emails. That is a great source to use if you want to stay on top of things. I plan to create my own searchable DB from it, but that project is under a bunch of critical tasks.