Utilities to run on ibook: dw vs. tt

Erin Randel bluelight at en.com
Mon Dec 15 18:45:14 PST 2003

Okay, so Norton: Nyet. Anybody know what diskwarrior does that makes it 
so different from drive 10? Is it what problems it addresses? Is tech 
tools better than them all?

On Monday, Dec 15, 2003, at 18:46 America/New_York, Mike Beede wrote:

>> I have a 900 ibook in need of some third-party repair utility, 
>> according to applecare. The persistent problems disk first aid finds 
>> are missing thread count and invalid volume file count.
> Nice support.  I've heard good things about Diskwarrior, but question 
> why
> a well-designed filesystem would ever need "third-party" support.  If 
> you're
> on OS 9, move to OS X (and don't use an HFS filesystem).  Just my two 
> cents.
It's running OS X; it was brand new in April!

On Monday, Dec 15, 2003, at 08:24 America/New_York, david wrote:

>> Macmall says they all do the same thing, small dog said diskwarrior's
>> good but found they don't carry it anymore. I can get norton system
>> works for about $30 with a rebate at the local wholesale club, but how
>> do I find out whether it can help me?
> DiskWarrior won't fix all problems but what it does it does better 
> than any
> other disk utility. Drive 10 is pretty decent (but slow). TechTool is
> finally out and first reports are somewhat mixed but it repaired my
> desktop's redundant drive (albeit slowly) when Disk First Aid couldn't.

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