Stupid POC modem

Steve Wassenich wassenis at
Mon Dec 15 19:05:29 PST 2003

List newbie here with a problem.  I've about had it with the so-called 
"modem" on my iBook 700.  It has caused kernel panics requiring 
shutdown and re-starts, drops connections unpredictably and often, and 
sometimes refuses to disconnect.  Actually, it does disconnect from the 
telephone line, but it keeps running the "Disconnecting" message on the 
menubar which won't stop even if I log out and back on as another user. 
  Only restarting works, and that takes awhile.  A multi-tasking OS 
(10.2, BTW) shouldn't be taken down by something this stupid, but this 
one is.

Other than this annoyance, I love the computer.  Help!

Steve W.

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