[P1] self-quotes

Eric B. Richardson lbyron at comcast.net
Sat Jan 4 08:38:12 PST 2003

At 5:10 AM -0800 1/4/03, George Slusher wrote:
>(At least one prominent
>conservative "talking head" reportedly said that someone would have to be
>stupid to join the military.)

Just to be clear, there is a book recently published by the father of 
a US Marine, from someplace in Massachusetts like Brookline. The 
father was talking about his own awakening as to the benefits of the 
military for his son. But he noted that when his son joined the 
military after high school, he received a number of phone calls, none 
of which considered it a good thing, and one of which said that they 
had to bring this up in front of the school board to see just exactly 
what went wrong and how such things could be prevented in the future. 
I saw this man with my own eyes and heard his story with my own ears, 
not some vague anonymous "reportedly said."

Finally, prior to this 'chicken hawk' had intimations of a pedophile, 
and using such language towards the president and his cabinet is 
shameful and reprehensible. The people that coined this term knew 
what they were doing and now you do too. Hopefully, now that you do, 
you will stop.

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