[P1] self-quotes

J Patrick Draine draine at attbi.com
Sat Jan 4 11:58:36 PST 2003

On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 08:35  AM, Jack Rodgers wrote:

> On Friday, January 3, 2003, at 05:18  PM, Dave Meilstrup wrote:
>> Actually, many people calling for action to deal with Saddam over the 
>> past 15 years or fewer years *are* or were enlisted or have family 
>> members who are enlisted. Many have specifically enlisted over the 
>> last 15 months. I know one personally.
> Have you served in the US military?

Yow! I joined this list yesterday hoping to find discussions focussed 
on the iBook. I take it there's no moderator on this list? <sigh> Oh 
well ....

In the meantime I'm seriously considering adding an iBook to the 
household's stable of Macs (333 MHz iMac, 500 MHz iMac). Even though 
the local Apple stores are delightful places to briefly try out the 
merchandise, I'm generally a refurb kind of guy.
I'm considering the refurb 600 MHz (20 gig HD, 128 meg RAM, CD only) 
iBook, approx $799 at smalldog and sometimes the Apple Store. Any 
thoughts on this model? My only previous laptop was a PowerBook 150, a 
very bare bones model in its day, and long retired with disk drive and 
(probably) dead PRAM battery problems.

Best wishes,
Patrick Draine

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