[P1] Iraq (was self-quotes)

Harry D. Corsover harry at corsazzi.com
Sun Jan 5 10:47:33 PST 2003

----- On 1/4/03 8:12 PM MDT (-0600), Jack Rodgers 
<jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote, in part:

>I don't know why we are sending in soldiers when we could just start an 
>air and naval barrage and keep it up until we see the white flag...
>Day one, all of the Presidential Palaces go.
>Day two, all of Sadam's properties go up in smoke.
>Day three, all of the properties of the top level government officials 
>go up in smoke.
>Day four, next level...
>Maybe we take out all of the military forces first?

Nice fantasy, Jack. Are you forgetting how Saddam uses civilians to 
shield many of his locations and installations?

Best Regards,

Harry Corsover

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