On 1/15/03 7:19 AM, "J. Brenning" <brenning at egyptian.net> wrote: > Is it okay to move a laptop while you're using it? I've always known not to > move a cpu while it's on, but it seems, at least partly, the point of a > laptop is the portability -- even while it's running. But what's to stop > the harddrive from crashing? What about traveling in a car on a > not-so-smooth road? > When you close the lid of the iBook you should see the light next to the latch begin to pulse. This is your signal that the iBook is asleep. Get into the habit of staying at the iBook and waiting to see the light pulse before putting it into your carrying case. On occasion your iBook will decide not to sleep. Now, if the iBook is asleep it is safe to move. I only shut my iBook off if I know I won't be using it for more than 3-4 days. > > Also, when she turns on her laptop and looks at the screen, there are file > folders showing. Is this the equivalent of the PC's desktop? If so, how do > you file these folder to get them off the desktop and on as shortcuts? > You don't mention what version of the Mac OS you are using. In OS 9 a bare desktop will have at least the trash can and hard drive icon. Everything else can be moved. An alias is mostly like a shortcut but more powerful because you can move the target of the alias and alias will still work. To create an alias, select the icon and begin to move it. Then hold down the Command (the one with the apple and cloverleaf on it) and the option keys. You'll see that the icon now has the little arrow, just like a shortcut. Drag the icon to where ever you want the alias created (still holding the command and option keys) and then drop the alias. > > Another thing is that when she downloads a program it seems to > automatically unzip and install. Is this normal or is it because of the way > something is set up? > This is normal bahvior. > > Is ircle the only irc program for apples? > Go to http://www.versiontracker.com and do a search for chat or irc applications. > > Is there a book or something that is recommend for newbie ibook users. Most > of it we can figure out, but I'd like to understand it little better. > Check out 'The Missing Manual' series. -=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by frost. davidwb at spymac.com