>I have had my ibook for about a year and a half now and the battery has >started to not hold a charge at all. This is party due to the fact that I >left it plugged in for about a month as I used it as a clock radio and >stereo at my sisters house. Is there any sort of program like battery >reset that will help me, or resetting the power manager? Or maybe >discharging the battery fully a few times? Thanks Resetting the Power Manager would certainly be advisable. Do realize that it will also reset the date on your iBook. Apple has a "Knowledge Base" article on how to do this. You can go to www.apple.com and click on "Support" and follow through from there with a search on Reset Power Manager, or try this URL: http://kbase.info.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/kbase.woa/wa/query?searchMod e=Assisted&type=id&val=KC.14449 If resetting the power manager doesn't help, you may have a bad battery. If you have AppleCare, it may cover replacing the battery--check with Apple. If not, well, it's good to have a backup battery, in any case. George Slusher/Eugene, OR gslusher at rio.com