[P1] Mini-Book vs. 12"iBook: will it be as sturdy?

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Mon Jan 20 18:46:42 PST 2003

>  By luck I got to handle a "relatively new"  TiBook with Superdrive 
> from a friend this weekend. I was so geeked,  I couldn't keep my hands 
> off her (not to mention the girl, but that’s another story!) However i 
> noticed the TiBook's screen bowed when I gently raised the lid...

> ...My interest was greatly peaked with the announcement of the new 12" 
> Powerbook. I am wondering if it will be as rugged as the iBook. Did 
> anyone have the opportunity to handle the new mini-Books  at MacWorld 
> or have insight into just how durable they are?

I can't speak from first-hand experience, but reports I've read site 
the "flexing" of the Titanium Powerbooks as a regular complaint as far 
back as the first shipping units. Supposedly, the Aluminum used in the 
new Powerbooks case is stronger, and less prone to this problem.

I don't know if the new 12" Powerbook will be any more or less rugged 
than the iBooks in the long run, but it shouldn't have the "flexing" 

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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