[P1] Mini-Book vs. 12"iBook: will it be as sturdy?

Pat D. Stephens patdart at cox-internet.com
Mon Jan 20 19:38:00 PST 2003

I have had a TiBook 400 for a couple of years and it has withstood a 
lot of travel...and gets some rough use in the process.  No problems 
yet...but, then I AM careful of it...of course, I will be with the new 

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 08:46 PM, Brian Pearce wrote:
> I don't know if the new 12" Powerbook will be any more or less rugged 
> than the iBooks in the long run, but it shouldn't have the "flexing" 
> problems.
> BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net
> ----------

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