[P1] Fix_prebinding is crashing on start

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sat Jan 25 17:46:22 PST 2003

Meg St. Clair wrote the following:

> Well, I followed your suggestion. I'm not sure I understand the result but
> I'll see what happens the next time I restart.

in response to the prebinding fix I had mentioned:

>> The system will do an update prebinding to relink the libraries and the
>> executables.


When you say that you're not sure that you understand the result, do you
mean that you do not understand what this did and why it works or...the
actual messages that terminal spit out after doing the update prebinding?

If it is the first case...then maybe it will help to think of it this way
(someone correct me if I am wrong please);

When you are working in an office and you want to post a letter then you
need to know where the envelopes and stamps are, when you want to dial a
number of a supplier or customer you need to know where the telephone book
is or where the information is stored...this is similar to the Mac Operating
System because in order for it to be able to run the applications it needs
to know where the required information to do so is located. In a perfect
world the information (telephone book, envelopes) is always there where you
left it in the office and also where the Operating System left it the last
time it looked...in the real world sometimes things are not where we thought
we left them (in which case we usually clean up and organise things again)
and during some installations or crashes the computer loses track of where
it left its information last...it then runs around in a panic trying to find
the information until some nice caring person (you) runs the update
prebinding to tell the computer look around, remember and re-record/correct
where you have put all the information you need to run smoothly again...

If it is rather the second case and you are not sure/concerned about the
messages that the terminal gave you...ignore my drivel above and post what
messages it put out and we will see if someone can help with




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